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    Cosmopolitan basket

    Price: $76.5

    Price: $84.65

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    Price: $70.2

    Price: $77.72

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    Price: $45

    Price: $50

Our Products

A Way Of Healthy Living

Garri Makes You Healthy: Nutritional Perks of this West African Staple

Garri Makes You Healthy: Nutritional Perks of this West African Staple

Garri, also known as cassava flakes, is a popular West African food made from cassava tubers.

It is a staple food in Nigeria, Ghana, and other African countries and is often eaten as a snack or used as a main ingredient in meals.

But did you know that garri is also packed with essential nutrients that can contribute to a healthy diet? In this article, we'll explore the nutritional perks of garri and why you should consider adding it to your diet........

The Spicy Truth About Red Pepper: Health Benefits and Dangers

Is it Just me? Or is everywhere getting hotter all of a sudden… Today, we talk about the Red Hot sensation in the room. It’s the Famous African Red Pepper …

Also known as cayenne pepper or chili pepper, the Red pepper is a popular spice used in cuisines all around the world. It adds a fiery kick to dishes and is known for its distinct flavor and aroma.

It is widely used in West and Central Africa with a special reputation for packing quite a punch when added to traditional stews, soups like ugu, sauces, and other delicacies.

You can visit abiom supplies to order your premium African pepper and add some African spice to your meals.

The Spicy Truth About Red Pepper: Health Benefits and Dangers

About 98% of single-use plastic products are made from fossil fuels. Globally, we produce about 400 million tons of plastic waste yearly.

clean farm
clean environment

Crunch into Good Health: Why You Should Eat More of this Leafy Green

For the average African, you must be bound to have had a taste of this popular leafy sensation. Ugu is one of West Africa’s most sumptuous vegetables. Not only does it taste delicious when boiled or cooked, but It’s also packed with enormous amounts of nutrients.....