Red Garri:10-LB

Red Garri:10-LB


• Calories: 363.189 • Fat: 0.724g • Protein: 1.596g • Carb: 86.889g • Fiber: 1.368g • Water: 12.161g


Practically one of the most popular foods in Africa, particularly in Nigeria. Made from cassava tubers, garri is a natural delicacy that can be served as a breakfast cereal, side dish, or snack. It is one of the healthier options and is often eaten with soup or stew. Garri is rich in dietary fiber, and iron and very low in fat. It is a much better option for anyone trying to lose some weight. It also is great for digestion and very easy to prepare as a meal or snack. At Abiom Supplies, we are constantly working with local farmers and producers to ensure that the cassava is properly processed and packaged to ensure a safe and healthy meal for all our customers


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